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A Word from Pastor Jill

Wow! Every year I am more and more humbled by the work I get to be a part of at Hope Church. Just like every year past, I am blown away by these numbers. Statistics aren't our goal at Hope, but they are a great way to see a bird's eye view of the work our community is doing. Because of YOU—your faith, your generosity, your dedication—our collective efforts are truly changing lives.

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average weekly attendance

Which is a 3.5% increase from 2018—and a 26% increase in the last six years! We have been intentionally engaging neighborhoods through our Small Group outreach nights, and we've loved seeing the response. Attendance isn't everything, but we think it's a helpful tool to see how our engagement is growing!

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kids (birth - 7th grade) ministered to weekly

enrolled in Kids' Club Summer Programs

average weekly online-campus users

students (birth - 12th grade) ministered to during Wednesday night activities

enrolled in Kids' Club After School Ministry

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baptisms in 2019

(1,398 baptisms in the past six years!)

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adults committed to living out Hope Church's mission

This includes brand new members and newly-committed members!

baby dedications

Congratulations to all our families with newborns!

foster or adoptive children and teens

For a total of 20 licensed foster families serving 27 kids.

couples completed our re|engage® program

And 55 couples went through pre-marital counseling.

Food Pantry

We put food on the tables of families, serving individuals total

Garage Ministry

families were served, with a total of in labor + parts

Boots on the Ground

families were helped by partner churches and partner agencies

Local Outreach

fliers were handed out around the metro area for local events

Night to Shine

Serve Team members helped students with special needs have a night to remember!


was provided to families, meeting various needs

Excerpt from Answers to Prayer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis in risus eget sapien venenatis elementum ut ac turpis. Quisque et velit aliquet, sagittis risus sed, vulputate quam. Quisque eget nibh urna. Etiam finibus efficitur arcu id ultricies...

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1 in 13 church members went on a short-term trip in 2019

This is a free form section where you can plug anything unique to your church! If you want to push users to a Mission Trip, then link out to our snazzy Missions Layout (below). Or maybe you want to add a contact form here, so you can hear from members about which part of this annual report surprised them. You could simply add a thank you message, for everyone who served, and contributed to, your church's work in the last year.

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